The Summer That Changed Me

I knew then a summer could change you and leave you wanting to relive it over and over again…

When people talk about traveling and say ‘it changed me’ I never really understood the full meaning of it, that is, until I stepped foot into Camp IHC. As I walked over the first step into the dining hall, with the words ‘welcome home’ ringing in my ears, I knew in fact, a summer could change you.

When I first met the little boy I was going to nanny, I knew again then that a summer could change you. From the very first moment, myself and Mac became the best of friends. The other nanny’s would refer to us as being ‘brother and sister’ because we had our challenges, but the sense of humor we shared would always see us through.

When I first took him to explore the woods and we laughed for hours, or when he first pushed me down the slide because I was too scared, I knew then a summer could change you and leave you wanting to relive it over and over again.

As a teacher, I strive to form close relationships with children based on trustrespect and a deep sense of caring for the children I am working with. I felt this in a new way as a nanny, as you get to know a child a lot more spending one to one time with them, and I am so thankful I did this job. It allowed me to become more patient, kind, understanding and genuine towards the needs of children.

Summer taught me that you can learn a lot from children. From looking outside and feeling sad that it is another rainy day and wanting to stay indoors, and then seeing Macs face light up at the prospect of dancing in the rain. In moments like this, a light switched in me and it made me realize life is so short. So short and children really are living their lives to the full, but are we as adults?

At IHC as a nanny, every opportunity for fun was taken and I felt that the smallest moments spent with Mac were ones that brought me sheer joy. Not only did he teach me to really appreciate the small things in life, but also he taught me to be more kind. Throughout camp I wanted to pass on my love of doing kind things for others to the children, but in no way did I think Mac would pick this idea up and make me look at it in a whole new way. At the start we made kindness cards for others on camp and started to give them out hoping it would make people smile or enjoy their day that little bit more. I involved Mac and talked to him about how it’s nice to do things for others and not expect anything in return.

Throughout the rest of camp I started to notice this idea coming up in his actions more and more, this included him wanting to leave notes for others such as his favorite campers or staff and constantly thanking me for what I was doing for him. We created posters for different members of staff at IHC to show we appreciated them and when he was giving them out, his smile and how proud he was of himself just shined through.

Over a typical camp lunch of Mac and cheese, Mac handed out one of his cards and the face he made I will never forget. With pure happiness he smiled over at me to see if I had saw the Head Counselors reaction and from then on kept asking to do more acts of kindness! From this we made kindness posters to give out to members of staff on camp to make them feel more appreciated.

My summer was a journey, and part of this journey included kindness.

Something I value most and often think is that kindness is so important, not only for us as adults but to teach children and shape our future.

After IHC I was given the amazing opportunity of nannying Mac at his home in Florida, alongside his two brothers. This shone a whole new light on ‘being changed by a summer’. Mac welcomed me to his church, and whilst there wanted to donate money to a baby charity out of his own savings. Using the words ‘What I’m going to do is, I’m going to be nice and give other people money. who don’t have money’ this seemed such a huge achievement from the reluctance I faced at the beginning of camp and just how happy and selfless he was being in order to help others.

On top of this Mac showed me so many kind actions through giving a little boy at the arcades some of his money because his had ran out, to then winning a kindness award at school because his friend didn’t get a sticker that he did so he passed it to him. It made me even happier that this award was placed next to our photograph together!

A summer that changed me is this summer, and it is a summer that will stick with me forever because of the power of kindness, the power of children and the power of laughter. I have never laughed more in my life than I did with this little boy and I have him to thank for making every single day absolutely amazing. I have returned home appreciating everything just that little bit more, and summer 2018 will be one I never ever forget.

Liam Macleod

A Millennial Marketer living in NYC that likes Apple, Photography, Design, Fashion and Starbucks. Instagram - @Liammacleod7


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