Camper to Counselor — Growing Up at Camp IHC

My journey at Camp IHC began back in 2009 as an Explorer (age nine). I was a camper for eight consecutive years all the way through my CIT summer in 2016. I have now been a staff member at IHC for four summers and I can confidently say that was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

My First Summer (2009)

When I was little, I was always on the shier side. I often stood away from the action and had trouble speaking up in group settings. And while I can still be relatively introverted, attending summer camp has made me a more confident person. I’ve been pushed to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I have learned to be open to new experiences and expect the unexpected. I have learned to be a leader, but also recognize when it’s time to step back and let someone else take charge. I have developed new skills and interests. I have even attempted to play lacrosse (not well I might add).

In 2017, I joined the staff ranks and became a Cabin Specialist for Explorer Boys, the same age it all started for me. My original campers are currently thirteen years old. Watching children grow in leaps and bounds before your eyes is truly indescribable. Knowing that I am making a positive impact on a child’s life is extremely rewarding in and of itself.

Over the years, I have met hundreds of amazing people from all around the world, and made friendships that will last a lifetime. These in-person connections are invaluable and often difficult to find in an increasingly digitized world. Ironically, I have had to continue many of these relationships via social media, yet I know these are people I can come to with anything.

At sleep away camp we are all in a shared environment, yet everyone has their own experiences. These experiences shape our beliefs, and ultimately our actions; for many, these childhood experiences are what likely draws alumni back to continue their IHC story. Understanding the impact Camp IHC has made in my life, I was curious as to whether others felt the same way as me. I asked several former-camper-counselors to reflect on their camping days as well as what it is like to work at their home away from home.

Emmie L — Head Counselor

Emmie L’s First Summer (2010)

“Growing up at IHC helped shape me into the person I am today. Coming back to camp as a staff member has been such a rewarding experience as I’ve been able to make an impact in all these kids lives. This job has seriously impacted my entire life and how I carry myself every day; with studying education to becoming a teacher, this job is such an incredible opportunity.

There is seriously nothing more rewarding than making the same impact on these campers lives as my counselors did for me. Something that I will forever be grateful that camp gave to me is the friendships I’ve made. After twelve years, my camp friends are still my very best friends and I know I will have them for the rest of my life. My camp friends are my most special friends and I hold such a big place in my heart for them. Camp is a place where you can let your inner child loose and not take life so seriously. This camp brings out the best and happiest version of myself. I can’t thank IHC enough for all the amazing friends and experiences I’ve had over the past twelve years.”

Evan K — Group Leader

Evan K’s First Summer (2010)

“Camp wasn’t always my favorite when I was younger. I was good at the actual camp part but I was super homesick always. But going away from camp for two years made me realize how amazing this place was and the fact that I didn’t want to stop going until I couldn’t. My love for this place is the reason I came back through my CIT summer.

When I made the decision to come back and be staff it was a pretty quick decision. I loved working with the kids and had such a great summer so I decided to try being in the staff ranks. I will admit it my first summer was a hard transition, but once I got the first year on staff under my belt I knew I had to keep coming back. Being on staff is truly one of the best summer jobs (although it sounds cliché). Working with amazing kids, making new memories at my second home and meeting fellow staff members from all around the world is easily why I’m still here today. I’m so thankful that I can keep coming back and making a difference at camp with the kids and with myself.”

Becca F — Media

Becca F’s First Summer (2011)

“Growing up, I was an extremely quiet child. Especially during my first few years at camp, I had a hard time coming out of my shell and was overwhelmed by the large crowds on the bunk line. However, as I grew, camp grew with me. I got older and more confident while my camp friends stayed by my side. Camp IHC is unlike any other childhood experience and I am grateful that I had this opportunity to grow up in my second home. Camp is not about popularity nor appearances, but the true connection you make with others without any distractions (phones, makeup, etc).

As I continue to advance past my camper years into an adult, camp has continued to be there for me. I will never forget to bring out my inner child. Whether it is dancing at flagpole or making up a fun song with my campers, I am reminded of the influence my counselors had on me. By playing a role in shaping the lives of the future leaders that attend camp, I feel honored as my life comes full circle. As I’ve grown from a camper to a counselor, my passions have evolved. Camp, now, has given me the opportunity to work on my future goals and I learn with the media team how to create content for social accounts.

I will never be able to give back to camp all that it continues to give to me. As I finally enter my tenth summer (seven as a camper and three on staff), I will leave camp with a bond that will last a lifetime, both to the place, and to the people I have met. My camp friends have taught me that even though we changed and matured, our friendship will always remain strong from the memories we have created at this special place. My friendships with the staff have taught me that I can reach outside my comfort zone to make friends with people I would have never met otherwise, and make special connections with new people each summer. Thank you Camp IHC. I have you to thank for everything I have become and yet to accomplish.”

Andrew G — Group Leader

Andrew G’s First summer (2013)

“After my tour as a ten year old, I knew IHC was the place I belonged. I made my parents sign me up on the car ride home, even though we had a tour lined up that afternoon. My first summer, I was the only new camper in my division. While I didn’t know what to expect, I was welcomed with open arms and met people that I still consider close friends today.

Now, nine years later, I am a second year counselor for the same boys I had two years ago. Being on staff has allowed me to stay in my happy place and continue to build connections with the campers. Being both a camper and a staff member gives me the opportunity to give my campers the same amazing experience I had when I came here.”

Bella G — Head Counselor

Bella G’s First Summer (2011)

“I couldn’t imagine myself not growing up at IHC. It was the best gift that my parents gave me and I could not be more grateful for it. The memories, friendships, learning experiences and how it has shaped me into the person that I am today is something I would never take for granted. It is my happy place and somewhere where I can be the absolute best version of myself.

I love that I have the opportunity to give back to the next generation of campers by giving them the same experience that I got when I was a camper. It is so rewarding because of the lifelong connections that you make with your campers! I can’t thank IHC enough for all the amazing friendships and experiences I’ve had over the past eleven years.”

Liam Macleod

A Millennial Marketer living in NYC that likes Apple, Photography, Design, Fashion and Starbucks. Instagram - @Liammacleod7


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