Teach Arts & Crafts at Summer Camp

Paint your summer full of color

Summer Camp Arts & Crafts Jobs

  • Overview

    Arts & Crafts is always bursting with energy! It’s a creative hub where campers come daily to express their creativity and talent.

    As an arts & crafts teacher you will help campers unleash their creativity and imagination through various arts projects. It will be a sticky, colorful, splattered wonderful mix of mess!

  • Why Teach Arts & Crafts at Camp?

    Arts & Crafts is one of our core programs at camp. Campers of all ages will be at the arts & crafts building and crafting a wide range of projects.

    Our arts & crafts gallery has everything: general arts, fine arts, ceramics, woodworking, a sewing studio, a cooking studio and even a S.T.E.M. studio. This means you’ll be part of a large team of creative energy supported by some great people.

    You’ll have an amazing time helping campers make amazing things to show their parents on visiting day or to take home at the end of the summer.


  • Teaching periods are around 40-50 minutes long. You’ll normally coach 5 or 6 periods a day. Campers will arrive at your arts & crafts area with their camp counselor.  From the start, you will need to engage with the campers and get them prepped and ready for the lesson. You and your team will have lesson plans (that you help build!) that will be tailored for the different levels and abilities. Those 40-50 minutes are yours to make as amazing as possible.

  • A typical class will have around 12 -24 campers. You will have a schedule for each day to know what campers to expect before the day starts. Sometimes bunks have split activities or off-camp trips, or perhaps two bunks are scheduled for arts & crafts at once! This means you can sometimes have a handful of campers or a larger class to teach. Arts & Crafts is indoors, so on rainy days you may have more campers than usual!

  • As we mentioned, we have multiple areas in our arts & crafts gallery. We hire arts & crafts staff to typically focus on one area. I.e - ceramics staff will be in ceramics, they won’t need to teach woodworking or sewing.

  • Teaching experience will always help but most importantly you have to be super passionate about arts & crafts and even more passionate about working with children!

  • Throughout the summer you will live in a bunk with campers and other camp counselors. When you’re not teaching you’ll connect with them and be part of their group to provide extra coverage. During this time you’ll have an opportunity to take part in other activities with them and help your team out.

  • Yes. On a regular schedule you will have one period off each day.

    You will also have one full day and night off each week. This is your chance to rest, recover and try some new things on camp and explore new places off camp with other staff.

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The Best Summer of Your Life.

Are you ready to teach arts & crafts at summer camp?